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PV Lab was founded in 2010 and has since provided quality assurance and testing services for more than 1150 ground-mounted systems in the MW range. The headquarters of PV Lab Germany with our central laboratory is located in Potsdam. PV Lab is accredited according to ISO IEC 17025 as a testing laboratory for PV modules.
As accredited experts at PV Lab Germany, we are not bound by instructions. We are independent and cover different areas of expertise. Our experience covers the range from individual components to the entire system. This enables us to deal with your questions quickly from a single source.

In our daily work we observe a considerable discrepancy between quality expectations, the promises and reality. The existing standards are only checked on a few samples from the manufacturer and are not always relevant to practice in terms of performance and durability. In warranty cases, the standards are often not meaningfully applicable.
We conduct robust and rigorous analyses of modules. The aim is to provide information on the actual performance behaviour and on risk factors with regard
to reliability. In this way, we help our customers to make decisions.

Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Arp,
Managing director